We’re going to take a look at a number of materials here in the light of our hunger to consume, hoping we are able to encourage citizens of the world to contemplate how they may engage with LocalitEEE. One planet means one source of Resource. Nothing is Waste anymore. So lets explore how we can protect resources from leaving your community. Waste Prevention holds a big key to Sustainability. Selling it on LocalitEEE can bring incomes to the Community and engage in something scaleable.
If we’re really going to change our way of living, we should be willing to look at this a little more in depth. To protect our planet for this and future generations, citizens need a clearer understanding of what’s happening between those who sell and those who buy the everyday items you own and use. Global Environmental Governance can only be controlled and achieved in the limited time we have left on a planet of exponential human growth. If we work more efficiently together, then Global Targets may well be attained and we can all evidence what we contributed.
We see the peaceful but disruptive protests that eXtinctionRebellion have started, but how do we know they, this generation and the younger activists are actively engaged in reducing their consumption. At best we should know they are doing the best with Waste Prevention. Wouldn’t it be exciting to see real evidence of real activists? Although it’s vital, It’s simply not enough to get Governments to act even by announcing a Net Zero emissions law, its more important to know how we’re going to get there together whether your rich or poor. We need to deliver real solutions that engage, benefit citizens and deliver some community ownership where they live. It’s the most likely to succeed, helping to ensure that nobody is left behind, which is what we’re attempting with “The LocalitEEE Model”
In economic terms, we can’t keep living like this, as outlined in Kate Raworths Doughnut Economics. She believes “a healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow”. That’s the academic input, but who’s offering real solutions we can all use and evidence our contribution.
We believe we can help facilitate that, by working more closely together in Micro Groups within the Communities where we live, if we’re going to get that design right. Moreover, we can let everyone own a part of that solution.
In social terms, equality and poverty are partners and there is a mass of evidence showing that inequality is behind most social problems in advanced countries.
Our LocalitEEE model can deliver a solution that draws corporate and local business into citizen partnerships that will move us in the direction we must move. It’s a real challenge, but if citizens interact and influence consumption, business and citizens can make this work. No more them and us, because that isn’t going bring us into a unified world. Greed is the fuel of Poverty but those who have more, should take responsibility and prepare this and future generations to work in a Community owned model. Why, because without consumers there would be no business, so delivery of #Responsible Consumption can guide us to the Holy Grail. The endless need of the Rich wanting to become richer in our society, often driven by measuring GDP, is probably the root of our societal problems.
Lets realise to some extent every business outside of the service industry, needs materials, although the service sector generally, would usually service something that involves materials. The materials we use everyday and throw away, are in fact valuable resources to many of those corporate businesses. We’ll look at some of those industries through the Menu on the right. You’ll hopefully begin to realise how influential the Material Holder can be. Maybe you’ll recognise that Shareholders of those businesses and Commodity Traders are gambling with currency fluctuations in their respective sectors, just to become richer and attract more investment. In our model we want the Community Member where they live, to be very much the investor and receive their rewards for all the right reasons. We actually refused up to £2M from an offer of investment from Centrica. Why? Because we wanted any return to belong to the Community Investor, simply because where you live is important for your well being and that of the planet. I remember shaking the hand of the Principal Investor in London, wondering if I did the right thing. I continue to believe in that dream of Community Ownership for a better world based on the value of local culture driven by the democratic will of the people who live in your community.
The materials we highlight, when sought by the Corporate Waste Sector and others, mean that they move great distances far away from the start of their local journey where you live. This comes at great environmental and Social cost via the use of energy, pollution and harmful emissions to our Earth’s atmosphere, and the missed opportunity of harnessing the influence of local consumption. It also drives away community jobs and local economic growth which can come from repair, reuse, recycling and sorting of material streams at a local level. The strategy from our Government in environmental terms, should be one that promotes the education and skills where we live. Working in micro communities utilising our local consumption activities and building an organised structure for each Waste Prevention material stream, will bring localised environmental governance supporting national government policies.
We seek to begin that process with recognised and Trusted Skills in White Goods repair, through EEESafe’s regulatory approach and training to deliver a scaleable, safe and sustainable future. We need standards that communities can jointly own, to deliver benefits for them through all Electronic Waste prevention. Engaging with Manufacturers through standards, we believe holds a path to enable more repair and less counterfeiting issues, that prevent the safe recycling of Electronic Waste and lower repair costs.
We plan to show you more of how Businesses and Citizens can live more sustainably together in more Brown Electrical Goods. Further partnership can create more local revenues and develop local skills, using EEESafe’s innovative Charitable Giving Award Winning Business model. You’ll see soon how everyone can assist in opening up these opportunities where they live simply by Registering Your Appliance with EEESafe.
Click HERE, if you want to see the Big Picture in our Community Circular Economy Model.