In April this year there was another family home fire in Exeter which looks to have been caused by a Tumble Drier.
In such circumstances it’s extremely hard to find out it this was a Product Recall, or did an an engineer visit recently and fail to do a proper job.
This could well have been a number of possibilities but at EEESafe, we do find it extremely hard to get the details after such fires. Join us in our call to regulate the White Goods Repair Sector. Children die because of House Fires, lets prevent them. There’s no regulation for Appliance Repairs. Anyone can repair these goods, but we’ve proven that depth of knowledge is required when fixing them, and that PAT Testing is not sufficient in itself to make a product safe to use in a home. Check out more about EEESafe Registered DATs and DARs. Also check our Free Appliance Safety Register that is set to lower your repair costs.
Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue rushed to the blaze using a total of six appliances to quell the fire working into the early hours to bring the fire under control.
Two adults and a child were asleep in bed when the fire broke out in the utility room of Samsons Cottage in the narrow lane joining Pretoria Road and Polsloe Road. The family woke up to find their home well alight and filled with smoke. They made their escape through a first floor window onto a flat roof, but one of the adults suffered burns to their hands during the escape.
Read more: http://www.exeterexpressandecho.co.uk/Dramatic-escape-Exeter-house-family-climb-flat/story-26335456-detail/story.html#ixzz3pE0ieTA7