A Business Directory that evidences your Social Value 2nd December 20151 CommentBusiness, EEECoins, LocalBy localiteee
PLEEECoins & PLEEECash – True Digital Democracy Tackling Poverty 28th November 20157 CommentsEEECoins, Foodbank, Local, PLEEECoins, PovertyBy localiteee
Localiteee Digital Exchange 16th November 2015EEECoins, Local, Localiteee News, VolunteeringBy localiteee
Your Voice in Your Community 30th October 20151 CommentLocaliteee News, PLEEECoins, PovertyBy localiteee
Are you ready for LocalitEEE Launch 23rd October 2015Business, EEECoins, Growth, Local, Localiteee News, Sharing, VolunteeringBy localiteee
Another Tumble Drier Fire – was it a Recall or an uncertified Engineer 21st October 2015Environment, Landlords, Local, Localiteee News, SafetyBy localiteee
Is LocalitEEE Leading the EU on Local Circular Economy? 10th October 2015Environment, Growth, Local, Localiteee News, Poverty, sustainableBy localiteee