EEESafe Community Fixers

Have you got experience of fixing things like IPhones, Cameras, Tablets, Computers, MP3’s Mobile Phones and even Domestic Appliances?

Have you learnt from online sites as well as real experience that you can evidence that you know how to fix things and can do it safely?

Would you perhaps like to look at a Training Opportunity, such as a Qualification in the repair of White Goods where you live?

There is a distinct lack of skills and jobs for a Circular Economy, and the Local repair and refurbish industry provides a fantastic opportunity.  The Joseph Rowntree Organisation shows that the young and older age groups suffer most from lack of jobs.  Retailers should start working with us, and begin to work smarter.

So if you have experience why not consider working with LocalitEEE and be rated through the EEESafe & LocalitEEE model based on standards.  You’ll be working with your local community who will also rate your work and your commitment to safety.

LocalitEEE Wins Design Award for Environmental improvement

Well we did it!

We won the iSustain Design Award for Environmental Improvement.

It was presented to us at the Gala Dinner and Presentations last night where we were treated to a fine 3 course meal and in the company of many deserved winners.

The event was held in the Reading Room at the Alex Design Exchange.  You can see a short video of the Venue at the link below.  The room where we had our presentation was made famous in the Dr Who Series in The Library Episode.


Buy, Sell, Share & Rent at LocalitEEE

We thought it worth a mention that we’ve got some welcome new additions to the Family in the near future.

In a Resource Sharing Economy, part of truly living sustainably means sharing things with your neighbours.  At LocalitEEE, you’ll soon be able to do this easily.  Those who share will be able to earn EEECoins for helping in the Community, and there will be one or two neat things we hope will pleasantly surprise you as well.


LocalitEEE in Spain in prime position to assist Spanish Government

With the announcement last week of the Spanish Government as the first EU Country to announce a National Quantitive Reuse Targets for Electrical Goods, LocalitEEE were swift to take action.

Through our Spanish office based in Cordoba, we have been quick to accelerate our existing strategy to promote our LocalitEEE Branded Product as a national solution through Community and University links we already have in Spain.