Research from the EU survey in 2014 shows that 77 percent of citizens would like to fix their own products. However revisions to an EU Directive are set to come under discussion with 27 Member States still able to make changes.
We’ve been planning and developing the EEESafe Model of LocalitEEE for some time now. Closer than ever to soft launch, when you register your White Goods Appliance to be alerted on Product Recalls, you have the facility to Drop it to the Community Online Shop. Doing so will allow you donate or sell your appliance to local people or Charities, or you dismantle it on the software for Spare Parts. Doing so safely with recognised Appliance Community Repairers living on your Housing Estates, can safely assist and effect low cost repairs providing a boost to repairers living in community and building the very local economy. A Certification or Qualification can also be delivered by Registered EEESafe Training Centres.
The Community Online shop where you live, will capture Waste, Environmental and Social outcomes, as it generates local funds and digital volunteer currency, every time appliances and spares are given or sold.
Community Groups of Fixers and Collectors are geared to engaging in creating local revenues for those skilled or engaged in the local groups.
Many household products contain Critical Raw Materials and there are plenty of companies that want them. Collecting them and selling them collectively and sorted locally, means you can be paid for just working together in these groups. We plan to help facilitate even more, so we hope the message is getting through and you’ll join us, because we’re returning most of the money to you, and not the Corporate Investors.
It’s widely believed that Industry pressure is influencing a light approach to legislation and decisions that the Member States will make. Clearly it’s not in the interest of Manufacturers Shareholder, and highly paid corporates, to help with more repair. Why should they build something to last, when it can be thrown away because of hype we here of the Internet Of Things. IOT. Whilst we can accept there are some benefits, but if you need to buy a new fridge to send you a message that your milk is running out, then you have too much money to waste, which perhaps could go to better causes. Did you know there are millions of IOT devices coming out now, which means millions of tons of waste and massive increases in carbon emissions and huge energy demands to handle it all.
Collectors and Fixers linked as groups from EEESafe’s Appliance Safety Register, are set to encourage more local skills and revenues where you live. Waste Prevention and Redesign are two key factors we need to help save the planet. It’s often an over used statement, but we only have one planet and if we’re running out of Critical Raw Materials for many goods we own, then your consumer products are going to become more valuable. Putting Citizens in touch with each other, into a shop and community environment built to bring local income and ownership, is going to be the fastest way we can learn to live sustainable lives. Separating and sorting at a community level the variety of materials, by EEESafe Qualified Repairers/Refurbishers ,will bring the values of Metal and many materials from other products, back to be shared with LocalitEEE Community Members.
You don’t even have to believe in climate change. We’re already running out of many materials, but in the long run and inevitably, we’re going to have more people arriving than leaving this wonderful Earth. Consumption just has to change before too much damage is done.
We owe it to future generations to start changing the world, one community at a time and give them a planet, rather than lose it.
It’s your Planet and we want you to have majority ownership of our Model.