Community Voice
Flexible Tools for your Community
Apart from buying, selling & bartering from within your community and depending on your Community Admin, Community Members have the power to create their own Community Voice, under which you may create any topic or discussion important to you and your Community
This is great for getting engagement with others who live around you, and you can invite and include your local Council, Health, Social & Political representatives.
You may even be allowed to earn Social Currency through EEECoins, as a reward for getting community engagement. You can spend them in the shop for goods and services. Everyone has a Voice here and LocalitEEE can help you shape it effectively.
You can share your thoughts on each topic created under Community Voice. People can Like or Dislike your thoughts, but it’s also a great place to Friend Up with others where you live.
Perhaps you’re just angry and frustrated about some local matters and need to get it off your chest. Maybe you’ve got some great ideas that you’d like to share with other who live nearby. This is the place to shape them up and gauge local feelings on what’s on your mind.
If you’re a member of LocalitEEE, then turn those thoughts into a Voice and ensure you are heard. Local policy is changing everywhere in the UK, and your Local Authorities want to engage with you. So take charge and effect positive change where you live.
Consult or Poll
So you’re not the only one it seems who feels passionate about local issues. In LocalitEEE Community Voice, you can create your Polls and get honest opinion from your neighbours.
You can Like or Dislike what is being expressed. Maybe it’s a local planning issue that you feel others should know about.
You can invite others into the conversation. Contact the Local Councillor and ask them to input. Get your facts right and let them know how you feel before issuing a Poll or Consultation.
Reports can be made available from our Platform as well, but why not invite key stakeholders to look at your issues, you’ll be convincing them that there is consensus on topics that impact your community.
Community Project
Now you’ve got some discussion going, turn it into a project. How many meetings have you gone to where people keep saying the same old thing, and nothing ever happens.
Our Project Management tool lets you add specific Members in your Community where you can task and agree your actions. Define who’s doing what and evidence your progress.
Use a dedicated Project Calendar to monitor everyone’s timescales and activities. Because we operate a Sustainable Business Directory, you could invite local businesses to join the conversation for FREE . They may even donate to your cause using our Social Currency which ring-fences it to your community. It’s a simple transaction, but it will be ring-fenced to your Community and carry the Sponsors Name. which could bring them more local business from your group.
Community Evidence
Now you’ve got the Metrics and evidence about how you want to turn ideas into reality, you can use it to help obtain funding. Funders will usually ask you to evidence why you need the finance.
You could even attract Social Investment through Sponsored EEECoins, and Ring Fence it to the Community you’ve set up. It’s easy then to pull out exactly how the money was used from our Transaction Reports and demonstrate exactly who benefited.
You’ll have local people around you to support and engage and make where you live, a better place.
Now you could be operating your own local Community Enterprise, with those who live around you. Together you could be creating Social currency for spending in your own Community or growing your own business.
Because Group Admins can allow you to create your own Named Enterprises, and describe what its all about, you could be constructing some great ideas that lead to local employment. All activity under a Community Enterprise is reportable, giving you the control you need to make a positive difference where you live.
We can produce your Crowdsource Funding Report, which will contain the evidence you need to support your idea. Sign off, Research & Voting data by your community, together with your completed Project Management Tasks.
Cash and Social Currency 4 your Community
If your community interacts with the Community Resource Shop, then you’ll hear the sound of cash dropping in for use only in your Community.
Not only cash, but Social Currency as well. All donated by LocalitEEE just by being a member for Free and doing what you normally do, when buying and selling goods online.
New Goods can be sold by Businesses, and they too have their own Community and donations from us. Who gets to decide where it all goes? You do through our PLEEECoin Issues.
Find Local Volunteers easily
Using our Volunteer Module, you can put out Volunteer requests for your Projects or Enterprises. We’re seeking to engage local Volunteer Organisations to help them extend their reach into the Community.
Some Community Admins may offer EEECoins for Volunteering so there’s great incentives and their activities can be automatically added to their Community CV.
Its a great way to help their employment prospects, particularly if they are working with Businesses registered in our Business Directory, where some of them may offer Food or Drinks for your EEECoins. Note: LocalitEEE subscribes to a philosophy that Volunteers should not be used for employment roles, but recognises the value volunteering experience can bring in making someone more employable.