Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority, has a 50% Business investment of Tax Payers money.
The latest accounts produced show that they lost £207K on their share.
It has been questioned in the past, whether it’s right to allow Council to use Tax Payers money to make investments. Clearly there are risks as we see from these Accounts.
Does anyone believe your council should consult you as a Tax payer before making these investments. How about getting a share back when profit is made, either in the form of a payment or a reduction of your Council Tax. Perhaps there doesn’t have to be a consensus and only those wanting to accept the risk, should get the return and pay for the loss on your Council Tax?
It’s your money they are investing and that’s what’s paying their wages.
See HERE if your Council has invested.
Controversial? Yes indeed, but Creative…or is it?
If you want to find out more about LocalitEEE, where we believe you should get a share and be engaged when we’re ready to launch, please enquire HERE.