We’ve been misunderstood by some in the Public sector and other associated sectors, when we’ve been compared to Timebanking, A Local Pound setup and LETS Systems. (A local exchange trading system (also local employment and trading system).
We thought this worth a little more clarity so that the Public Tax Payer and Stakeholders see some of the differences and benefits our Social Currency (EEECoins) has over these other systems.
A LETS System, The Local Pound and Timebanking systems are all usually run with Tax Payers money and you, the public, should ask the organisations to reveal the full costs. Legal Acts are in place for you to ask for the information, as there is a responsibility to display how public funds are administered and ensure any conflicts of interest are declared.
When compared to LocalitEEE’s EEECoins, these systems are not as friendly to the environment when considering the embedded Carbon Costs and materials for the printing of Local Pounds as an example.
As you can see from our graphic, the differences become clearer.
EEECoins is actually a Social Currency owned by the public and are donated by LocalitEEE, every time someone uses the LocalitEEE online Auction and Shop. Interestingly they can also be earned by Volunteering on the Platform, and used to build a record of Skills that can be automatically added to your uploaded CV. If you choose to display your activity and availability for work on the LocalitEEE Employment Board, then Businesses will see you are capable of turning up, and endorsed by the ratings you receive for your volunteering.
Once you’ve earned EEECoins, or if a Business or Funding programme has placed them into the Community Currency Banks, they can be ring fenced to local projects or towns where you live. They can even be digitally distributed through a Community online Voting process, representing true Digital Democracy in action. We call this PLEEECoins which is voted by and for the community where the currency bank resides.
We could, working in partnership, even convert any Timebanking Credits into EEECoins, which means any time you’ve spent on Timebanking, can now be technically passed on infinitely.
The LocalitEEE Platform has Bartering Built in already and is free to use, without cost to the Taxpayers Purse. You can exchange goods and services if you so choose, but you can also barter in EEECoins.
EEECoins can be used to purchase much of what you need to live to a basic standard of living. Once people realise that they can use our National Community Resource Shop, in Auction or Fixed format, and at the same time create Community Currency to help tackle poverty, we’ll have huge potential to offer many more services and goods that have true benefits to impoverished people living in austerity.
Food, Clothes, Furniture, Electrical Goods (EEESafe Certified) and then services from local rated people can all be catered for to help us live sustainably. LocalitEEE offers Community Waste Prevention and Reuse Reports in the form of Tonnage records and counted Volunteer and Social outcomes.
If we’re going to seriously develop our sustainable skills for future generations at the least harm to the environment, and truly tackle poverty, then EEECoins offer a credible accountable transition to a cashless society.
The Platform and Currency will not be in control by the Government and the Banks. It will instead be citizens in communities where they live, democratically managing their local environment.