We are pleased to announce that our Digital Social Currency Symbol (EEECOIN) is now available to use in Windows.
Installing the EEESafe Font will allow you to insert this into any Windows Compliant Software.
Our Social Currency tackles Poverty through our LocalitEEE Sustainable Communities Platform. Look out for one in your area in the near future and get involved.
The EEECoin Symbol is embedded into our National Online shop and is along side goods and services that you can purchase without cash. You can purchase EEECoins for cash or earn them within your local community. You can cash them with EEECoin enabled Businessess.
If you are a Business, then become enabled and List in our Free Sustainable Business Directory. For Businesses, Funders or Social Investors, consider your own Sponsored EEECoins where you can ring-fence to a particular community and its projects. Full reporting will be available and your name will be associated with the brand.
Together we can tackle the Environment and Poverty and learn to live as we should.