We were pleased to read an article today, published by the Independent Newspaper.
They’ve highlighted rightfully, the situation that exists as a result of the continued delay of publishing a report from consultation of how Product Recalls are handled in the UK.
We have been involved with this consultation and presented suggestions to help make homes safer. We felt that it was important to respond to the article, and hope that you will share with your friends and relatives to help raise positive awareness of the issues, and our solutions that help citizen in the UK.
We’ve copied our response to the Independent below, with a few minor adjustments because of their Linking Policies.
We have long been lobbying for Standards in the sector through our Competent Persons Scheme, National Appliance Safety Register and our Training Programme to put Approved Community Repairers living in the Community.
The information on the Fires caused by Appliances is extremely difficult to get published. We’ve been invited to promote our services to the Fire Service this month, and offer the potential to identify and share with the Fire Service, the make and manufacturer of appliances deemed to be the cause of the fire.
Our experience of meeting manufacturers and some small Trade Associations, has been one that continually closes the door. We believe it’s because they do not want goods repaired where there are Recycled Components being used. They’re only interested in selling new, despite growing scarcity of materials on the planet, and the increase of CO2 through manufacturing and transport processes. Through our LocalitEEE Product, we can deliver more regeneration locally, lower costs of repairs and help prevent people getting into debt. Not only that we can evidence reduction of CO2 emissions as well and help fill a huge skills gap whilst delivering a real sustainable model.
We put real ideas forward for intercepting the Used Appliances through our Online Community Shop, and preventing product recalled items being sold on, which would put the Fire Risk in someone else’s home. All products sold online with us, would be put into our Free Register which when a recall happens, would alert the owner about what to do. All products that are being disposed of, would be offered to local repairers who after a competent and safe repair, would be listed on the shop for Free and delivered locally, complete with EEESafe Labels. Goods being disposed, can be sold and even Parts so that locals can get some money to help them buy new goods, which then builds our database of parts to effect more low cost safe repairs. This happens with Cars, and why not with Appliances, but firmly rooted in Competency and Safety for the home.
Lyn Fauld Woods and the Minister Anna Soubry have both been informed of our more efficient and safe options, which has many positive outcomes, and doesn’t cost them finance. We can deliver alerts for all Appliances and other household goods when people require them, which in these times are important when people get floods and need replacements at a local level. An assurance that it’s not a Recall or a repair botch job is important to protect all occupants and neighbours from fire and potential death.
We challenged the Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances at the recent Product Recall Conference. We challenged them on their history of failure to prevent fires and fatalities from the floor. They brushed it off as not that serious as at that time in November, there were only 4 Product Recalls of Large Appliances. We were not allowed a riposte, that whilst there were 4, it meant there were 1.2 Million new Fire Risks. A few weeks later, there was a new announcement of Tumble Driers Recalls. Once again, Manufacturers would not announce numbers, but estimates are potentially in the millions.
It’s time the Government didn’t pander to the big boys and started to live in the new real world, tackling poverty, increasing reuse and preventing waste and creating new local jobs where Manufacturers can farm out local work to holders of an independent safety standard for Appliance Repair. Is it going to take the death of a Politician or a member of their family to make them take notice? We certainly hope not![/ultimate_ctation]