We’re pleased to announce that we’ve been invited to attend the Parliamentary launch event of the Environmental Services Association’s most recent report “Delivering Sustainable Growth: How the Resource and Waste Management Industry Benefits People, the Environment and the Economy” chaired by Peter Aldous MP, Member of Parliament for Waveney. It has been felt that our work resonates strongly with this group.
We’ve also been asked to consider being a member of the group which certainly merits some serious consideration. Take a look at their work and you’ll quickly see why we feel the opportunity gives a fantastic opportunity to input to policy that will benefit every citizen of the UK. The event is in Westminster in May, and we’re looking forward to engaging with some sizeable organisations, reaching out and engaging in real business solutions for Sustainable Living.
The Resource and Waste Management Industry has undergone significant change over the last 20 years. With a shift from treating waste as a dirty problem solved only by disposal, the sector has embraced the opportunity to better manage UK resources. This shift has also placed the sector at the forefront of promoting a more circular economy, alongside contributing to UK innovation and economic growth. This totally sits with the LocalitEEE Global and Local Circular Economy model. You can view the forecast real Job opportunities on a Map at LocalitEEE, the data released by each MP in the UK.
This new ESA report sets out the Resource and Waste Management Industry’s achievements and ambitions for a thriving workforce, a flourishing environment, and a prosperous economy, and puts forward five policy recommendations that would enable the industry to contribute even further towards sustainable growth in the UK.
Speakers include:
Jacob Hayler, Executive Director, Environmental Services Association
Ian Wakelin, Chief Executive Officer, Biffa Waste Services
Further speakers will be confirmed.
This event is chaired by Peter Aldous MP, Member of Parliament for Waveney.
We firmly believe that every community and business needs to work collaboratively if we’re going to achieve the targets for Social, Economic and Environmental outcomes at a local,national and global level.
LocalitEEE can help to transition to a society we must build if we’re to deliver an equal and fair model, at minimal impact to the environment. We look forward to engaging with all attendees, and bring positive outcomes for a Local and Global Circular Economy, tackling poverty through Sustainable tools and processes.