At LocalitEEE, we continue to move closer to our introduction via our Parent Company EEESafe.
The LocalitEEE Community Investors Card will be your route to multiple benefits for you, your community, your country and of course your planet. As well as creating Local and Global Currency from your Online Shop, we will allocate the EEECoins to Barter with Businesses for Volunteering where you live.
Access to this will come initially from registering your Appliance and therefore begin to make each home safer, and part of the local job creation in the White Goods Repair Sector.
This will also be used to create the first ever Community Owned database of White Goods Spares, spilling into the huge Spares sector in that sector, and moving over to every other Spares conceivable with the goods we all purchase, where we live.
Using Recycled Spares prevented from Waste, and dismantled by local skilled people, we can return profits to you and the Communities where you live. We can help you train to repair where you live, and provide you with skills that can lead to Electrical, Plumbing and Engineering. We have a Certification Process and hope to soon launch our EEESafe Qualifications with Training Centres near where you live.
Working with businesses, let us transition together and own most of what happens where we live. Positive Disruption is good for everyone, but let it start with you and what you purchase, renew, repair and dispose.
Remember Waste is not Waste, it’s a resource and it has value to someone and can earn you and your community some revenue, and create Currency for Food, Products and Services where you live.
Local and Global problems stem from More People, Same Planet, Less Materials. More Carbon, Less Jobs. Something needs to be done. You can help build a better and fairer society by supporting local businesses
For information on how to work with us please get in touch.