Did you know 50% of Oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean. Carbon Gases are damaging the oceans and threaten the existence of humanity.
John Kerry, USA Secretary of State, tells of his work in trying to raise awareness of the dangers to mankind if we don’t look after the Oceans. Sky News Reported this and you can watch this on the Sky Website.
If we don’t start to transition to a more sustainable way of life, we lose everything most of us strive to achieve…a better life for our children and grand children. It won’t happen if we continue as we are, expecting someone else to do it. We shouldn’t be asking the State to manage our own lives, when we need to wake up to our own responsibilities and stop living selfishly at the expense of Future Generations.
That’s why we began LocalitEEE. We want you’re support so please help us by following and sharing through Social Media, whilst we work behind the scenes on collaborative engagement and potential funding to reach an International Audienc.
More People, Same Planet, Less Materials. More Carbon, Less Jobs. Something needs to be done. You can’t build a better and fairer society on Consumerism alone.
For information on how to work with us please get in touch.