Social Value Act
The Social Value Act came into force on 31 January 2013, reviewed and published in Feb 2015. It applies to public services contracts above the EU threshold for the application of EU procurement rules. The act requires commissioners in England and Wales to think about the value they can secure for their area when buying services at the pre-procurement stage. To help evidence the following, why not Join LocalitEEE for free, and start building your business community in our Sustainable Business Directory. The data could help you:
- prove how your services, products or activities might improve the economic, social or environmental well-being of your Community.
- demonstrate independently and clearly what you are doing to help.
- engage in what matters to a community by participating in their digital democratic voting and discussion using the LocalitEEE Community Voice module.
Add your Business to the Free Directory now, to start getting involved.
Measuring Environmental Outcomes can be easily evidence by the aggregated Waste Prevention Tonnage and Carbon Savings, linked once again in your Business or Local Community.
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Economic outcomes are evidenced by the potential business being regenerated by using local repairers in all Sectors. You can donate any Social Currency or buy Currency and ring fence it to your chosen communities, or worthy local individuals. Find volunteers with us and turn them into jobs and create work for local people where they live.