Protected: Community Apps to raise funds where you live. This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: 19th May 2016Business, Community, EEECoins, Environment, Foodbank, Growth, Local, Poverty, Sharing, sustainable, UncategorisedBy localiteee
Protected: The Consumer Powered Appliance This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: 6th May 2016Business, Circular Economy, Community, Environment, Growth, Landlords, Local, Safety, sustainable, UncategorisedBy localiteee
Protected: Community Apps Means Community Funds This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: 4th May 2016Business, Community, Environment, Growth, Local, Sharing, sustainable, UncategorisedBy localiteee
Its Simples! 3rd May 20161 CommentBusiness, Circular Economy, Community, Environment, Growth, Local, Sharing, sustainable, UncategorisedBy localiteee
Riddle? When does a Government Compete with it’s Businesses? 15th February 2016Business, Growth, Local, sustainableBy localiteee
There could be money in what you think is Waste 27th January 2016Business, Environment, Growth, Local, Poverty, TextilesBy localiteee
We’re giving you money to market your business 15th January 20161 CommentBusiness, Growth, LocalBy localiteee
Food Waste Prevention the LocalitEEE way 17th December 2015Business, Foodbank, Growth, Localiteee News, SharingBy localiteee
A Business Directory that evidences your Social Value 2nd December 20151 CommentBusiness, EEECoins, LocalBy localiteee