Welcome to our Volunteering Page.
LocalitEEE has it’s own volunteering policy which can be found HERE.
Sometimes we may also have Volunteers who work from home, bringing people on to the Community Development Platform, designed to build trust and help within their own community where they live. These are known as LocalitEEE Community Volunteer Administrators. They will have been either vetted by us,or be registered with an existing Volunteer Organisation. More on this and LCVA’s can be found HERE.
To any Volunteer Organisation, this is a useful service to allow your own volunteers to help you based at their own homes. We believe this is very useful for people who want to help your objectives, but who do not have transport or have other barriers to volunteering.
Working with our Volunteer Module.
LocalitEEE has it’s own Volunteer Module for the community to issue Volunteer Tasks, some of which may be rewarded in Social Currency. However to ensure safety at the place of volunteering of that of the volunteer, we operate with different organisations who already have their own volunteer policies in place. They also have trained people to risk assess an environment and to specifically deal with vulnerable people.
Therefore when a Volunteer Task is issued, you can choose which Volunteer Organisation you would like to receive your request, and perhaps find someone to help. You can have your request reach all of your chosen organisations if you like and a status will automatically be shown, until someone is found who can engage with you. Please be patient as many of these organisations are extremely busy and they will try to find someone trusted and trained, nearest to the place of volunteering.
What you see below is a mockup of how someone requesting help in the community, would be able to know the status of their request. Companies represented are not necessarily signed up to our project.
Your Volunteering Request Status
British Heart Foundation
Discovery, Swansea Students
Age Cymru
British Red Cross
Swansea CVS
Hafan Cymru
Wales Air Ambulance
Volunteering Wales